About Us

I, Shelly Pereira, truly believe that life is a journey and events occur in our lives for a reason. How we deal with each event defines who we are and where our life takes us. I started my journey by enrolling in the Bachelor of Commerce Program at the University of Toronto. One of the required courses was Contract Law. Learning about what constitutes a contract and how to avoid or resolve problems arising from these contracts is a useful tool. This knowledge has been very helpful in resolving a variety of legal issues. It gave me the ability to help people and it sparked an interest in law as a career. As a result, I decided to go back to school to become a Paralegal. I graduated with Honours from the Paralegal Diploma Program at Herzing College and now I am a licensed Paralegal. Having worked in a variety of industries, including Construction, Financial Services and Publishing, my experiences are diverse. I have worked with lawyers on a variety of work-related projects and with other paralegals.

Continuing education is extremely important to me so I am constantly reading or attending seminars and other workshops to keep informed. I went to a conference called Legal Information for Everyone(LIFE). I was introduced to a website called Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO). It is a terrific legal resource for the public. There are two websites - http://www.cleo.on.ca and http://yourlegalrights.on.ca/ Feel free to check out the Resources and Publications section. It contains videos on a variety of legal issues. In addition, there is another website that might also be helpfull to the general public. This website is found at http://stepstojustice.ca/legal-topics


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